Thursday, April 3, 2008

Pike Lake swimming style

Last night after my walk I decided to take a shower since I was a little sweaty. The shower was uneventful, but after towelling off I applied my moisturizer, in an effort to help heal my sunburn. About a minute after applying the goop all over my chest the itches started. It was the worst itching I had ever felt. Like centipedes crawling all over under my skin. But really small centipedes, like nanopedes. When you think about it, a centipede is so named because it has something resembling 100 legs, and a millipede is so named because it seemed to have so many more legs than a centipede (ie a thousand) but of course in English using the SI system of measurement we use centi and milli to indicate small, rather than large. Anyway I was really itchy. It was so bad I was jumping around trying to get it to feel like anything other than itchy. I was really keen to get to bed in time for an 8 hour sleep so I was starting to get nervous that I would miss it. After twenty minutes it had subsided enough to merely be an annoyance. Now in the analysis of the event, I can’t figure out why this time the moisturizer reacted with my skin so badly. I had applied it before without incident. Now I am a little reluctant to try it again for fear of another nanopede attack. I just feel it would take too much work to do a proper experiment to reduce the variables and discover the problem, and it is possible there is some temporal effect due to my skin healing from the sunburn, so it may be impossible to replicate. Well I suppose this has nothing to do with Australia, or rather that it could’ve happened anywhere, but who knows, maybe the tea tree oil here is particularly hazardous to thirty something bald men who’ve grown up on a diet of hockey and fescue.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Funny thing is, Pike Lake doesn't have any itch... at least it didn't last year.