Sunday, April 13, 2008

I’m no entomologist, but…

Anybody remember the great Gordon Korman books with Bruno and Boots? There is this recurring theme where Elmer Drysdale says something nerdy followed by "I've always been interested in X" and then Bruno would reply "I've always thought you were a little Y". And X would relate to Y, like Elmer would say "I've always been into astronomy", and Bruno would reply, "I always thought you were a little out there", or something like that. Anyway, in this post Bruno would say "I always thought you were a little buggy Elmer". Preface is now complete.

There was a bump in the night as I slept in my hotel room this weekend. The room has a card access, so I was worried that someone had mis-programmed a card and had given my room to someone else. I got up and surveyed the scene. No human visitors. I was sort of expecting that a family of Germans would be arriving after a long day of travel and we would have to share the bed between the five of us - lederhosen and schnitzel everywhere - but my worry was for naught. I went to the bathroom while I was up and noticed a visitor of a different sort. This little guy was about the size of my thumb, was quite well behaved and really pretty quiet. An ideal roommate I suppose. We even played hide and seek (see attached photos). I thought this must be a cockroach but my internet searching has been in vain, so I don’t know what kind of cockroach it is. Looking at the list of possible species, I kind of hope it was the “Madagascar hissing cockroach”, just because it sounds scarier. Ironically enough, I just learned that inhabitants of New South Wales are called cockroaches, so by that definition there were two cockroaches in the room that night. In other interesting news, I remember reading that the guy who played Cockroach on the Cosby Show was fired because he refused to cut his hair. Talk about a dumb principle to rest your career on. Now nobody knows his name and Adam Sandler who was the other buddy of Theo's who didn't really have any lines at the time is a household name. I guess the hi-top fade was a battle that Cockroach was willing to fight. Anyway, I named the new roommate Friedrich, because I assumed he was a visitor from Munich. It was hard to get back to sleep after frolicking with Friedrich, but eventually I nodded off, one more mystery solved.

Where's Friedrich? Where's Friedrich?
Peekaboo, there's Friedrich.

1 comment:

Just Me said...

As you can very well imagine...I would not do well with that kind of visitor:)